east coastin’
the van is chargin’ toward the east coast! hope to see you there…and thanks for letting your peeps know!
the van is chargin’ toward the east coast! hope to see you there…and thanks for letting your peeps know!
Ahhhhh, this is the sweetest Low-key Karaoke ever! Only Caitlin’s voice is beautiful enough not to be outshined by Ginger’s gorgeous coat and curiosity. Hear more of it over here: http://facebook.com/caitlinschneidermanmusic http://m.youtube.com/user/caitlinthegirl I met Caitlin at in Arlington, VA at a show and on July 10th we’re gonna team up to sing this tune together […]
my amazing friend lindsey made this today: My mom gave me one of those art kit things for Christmas. There were some watercolor pencils in there so I used them to make this weird comic from my friend Devon Sproule’s song ‘If I Can Do This’. That song and the album it’s on are […]
daytrotter – may 15, 2014 you can hear the east austin birds in a couple of these tracks, through the windows at good danny’s, here in austin. grant johnson engineered the session. hope you guys like the new tunes.
played at the british library this weekend, and a very nice place in somerset called the david hall. at the library, prof phil took me down to the basement and i saw all kinds of cool stuff. bach’s notewriting is kinda curly! chopin’s, verrrrry small. here i am striking a quick born-to-run in soundcheck for […]
low-key karaoke is a remote duet project where i video myself singing just the harmony part of a well-known song, you sing along, and then you (hopefully) send me a video and i edit them together to make a sweet, sweet duet. updated april 23rd, 2013: below are the newest submissions plus the two that […]
i don’t know what’s up with all these big weird planes going over austin today and yesterday, but i know what’s up with spring and that is that it’s springing…big time. for all of you in and out of season: