sun rider & otto sam – 2 new songs out

by devonsp



hiya 🙂  you can click the titles below to hear some of the new songs and HERE to hear / download the whole songs



Sun Rider

Written at The Soundfront Inn on Ocracoke Island by a group of friends passing around a piece of paper on the beach, then organized and put to music by Devon and her brother-in-law, Jonathan Mills.  Jonathan also played guitar.  Other brother Matt Curreri played piano.  Gabe & Sonya Silver sang, along with Devon, Jonathan, and Paul (who played and mixed everything else).  Special guest singing by Willow Silver.

Otto Sam

It was shortly before I said goodbye to the ketamine therapist, right before I disappeared into it, I mean.  We’d been chatting since the injection, but now his voice was starting to smear.

“Why can’t I just be a hobo, hitchhiking on a caravan or something… my feet sticking out the back of a wagon?”

I had an eye mask on, but I could tell he was smiling.  “I dunno, Paul,” he said.    “It sounds pretty dusty.   Bumpy…”

“Wait.  So you’re saying my broken cars and whiney daughter are my dust and rocks?”

“See?  Maybe you’re not as far away from a hobo as you thought.”

Funny guy.