Devon Sproule

Category: Uncategorized

Tallest and shortest Curreri.

Tallest and shortest Curreri.

My mooshy brain is being pleasantly weirded out by windchimes that sound like a clock ringing the hour every few seconds. Leaves falling 2?!

My mooshy brain is being pleasantly weirded out by windchimes that sound like a clock ringing the hour every few seconds. Leaves falling 2?!

ADC released his record “Da Costa” to bandcamp today! (I’m feat. on it like a cool dude). Here he is w/ one of our Ray’s namesakes, Nico Ray.

ADC released his record “Da Costa” to bandcamp today! (I’m feat. on it like a cool dude). Here he is w/ one of our Ray’s namesakes, Nico Ray.

Ahoy from mostly smiley limbo land

Ahoy from mostly smiley limbo land

Australia — April 30th, 2016 – 6pm

Hi honey, good morning. Waycute town here. And they’re having a classic car fest!  Only these are actually driving, cruisin the strip, unlike the ones we saw in Austin a few weeks ago. This town smells amazing. It’s full on autumn – smoke, pollen, and much chillier, being at higher elevation. After soundcheck, I walked […]

Australia — April 19th, 2016 – 10amish

Adelaides: hot walk up above the city, on some sort of national park trail the joy of eating lots and often good sound at the grace emily last night sian & shane’s kind hospitality and delicious coffee

Australia – 4/19/16 – 11:16am

Surfacing post-3 intense days at the fairbridge festival in western australia.  Highlights included superhero artist liaison Lina impersonating me to set up my australian phone; playing a set of I Love You, Go Easy songs in a big tent called Djindalux full of exhausted and happy people; watching my new friend Nadia Reid play while I […]

Australia – 4/12/16 – 8:27pm

En route to Phoenix from Austin.  I still can’t ever do the Australia timezone math.  Just glad the tour is starting with a festival.  And thank you sweethearts who are sharing the tour info online. …. got four seats to myself on the transatlantic flight, holy shit.  praise cloudy heaven. Just read an essay that […]


April 15th – 17th – Fairbridge Folk Festival, Pinjarra WA – TICKETS April 19th – The Grace Emily, Adelaide – TICKETS April 20th – Smiths Alternative, Canberra – TICKETS April 21st – Gasoline Pony, Sydney – TICKETS April 23rd – The Gum Ball Festival, Dashville – TICKETS April 23rd (2nd show) – No 5 Church Street, Bellingen – TICKETS April […]

1. australia tour 2. working on new new boss record 3. heart=lonely hunter 4. paul’s juno musings 5. hangin with diane